Follow the Artist Success Path

Follow the Artist Success Path as your own personal evaluation tool to grow into a practicing artist. You can gauge your progress, set goals for yourself, and hold a clear direction to move forward.

It’s like a game board. We all start at the same place at some point in our lives. Even today, we are all Novices at something. Sometimes life becomes chaotic and we pull away from doing our art. Ironically, these are the times when doing art would be the best thing possible. It puts us into an inner peace, we focus body and soul in the creative process, and time stands still. Instead, we move away from our intuitive creator self. Plus the fact is that the longer we are away from doing art, the harder it gets to come back.

Where do you find yourself on the Artist Success Path?

Novice, the beginner. Maybe someone gifted you with a box of pastels, or a watercolor set, and you don’t know where to begin. Possibly you’ve been away from doing art for a long time and are doubtful of your abilities, or lack confidence to start. But wanting to create is the Key. As long as the desire is there, you set aside a space and time to do projects each week.

Student, knows doing art is a mindset. They start learning and applying art terms. They know art is a learned skill and want to improve their work. The Student creates an art space with supplies ready to create whenever they get a chance.

Maker, uses a sketchbook to keep track of their progress. They trust their intuition and record inspiration, drawings, and notes for future projects. They confidently use mixed media to create their vision. The Maker has an art studio sanctuary with many media and tools. They keep looking for their Style.

Artisan, sees life as a resource for art. Plus, they know their personal style and strongest techniques, while they experiment with new tools to continue to improve. They understand design for strong compositions. The artisan knows that doing art regularly builds muscle and confidence in their talent and abilities. In addition, their sketchbook is their dated record of development. Art is meaningful as it reflects their feelings and experiences. They are their happiest, most authentic and Truest Self when creating.

Master Artist, passionately creates art. They easily can implement all they’ve learned, and maintain their skills by teaching others. A Master is true to their art practice. They have a unique style distinguishable from others. The Master takes pride in their art, so shares and collaborates with others. They value the doing of art and must continue to create in spite of life experiences.

So where do you see yourself on the Success Path? Where would you like to be? Art is a learned skill and you can take it as far as you choose to go. Have fun with your art, do your art, and hope to see you in our Foundation of Art in 30 Days Class that begins the first of the year! Thanks for being here. Enjoy the day!


About admin

All my life I've been an artist/teacher, first in the high schools of Chicago, then at Columbia College Chicago, then in the deep woods of Connecticut, and now Online, Here we create art with meaning. Everyone is an artist. BFA: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, MA: Interdisciplinary Art from Columbia College Chicago. Other website with art:
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