Art Aligns With Life

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Does Your art reflect your Life? Are you creating this moment in time, your now, in the art you choose to do? I’ve always asked, ‘Where am I at this moment in time?’ When I was teaching high school all … Continue reading

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Is Your Inner Critic saying, ‘my art isn’t good enough’, ‘I wish I could paint like that’, or ‘this is too hard’?

We’ve all heard that nagging inner voice that labels everything, knows it all, and compares us to everyone else.

It’s protected us in some ways. But not when it comes to making Art. The problem is finding ways to shift from the verbal voice, over to the creative symbolic world of Art.

Overcoming this challenge is what this video is all about.

I’ve learned the feeling of shifting into the creative mode. Once you recognize it, it’s easy to move into that place in all you do. It’s a place of mindfulness, and I go there often.

Here are the 3 Key ideas to dealing with the Inner Critic and moving forward successfully in art and life.

#1. LOVE THEM AS A PIECE OF YOURSELF. Don’t argue with it, call it names or get emotional over how obsessive they are. That just bonds you to it and it will never go away.

#2. GIVE THEM A NAME. By identifying them with a name, you can rationally talk to them outside yourself. You can tell them that you can handle doing art and still come back to them later. It’s OK. You’ve got this.

#3. SEE THEM AS A SMALL CHILD WHO NEEDS REASSURANCE. They are mini you. Imagine them saying, with tears in their eye, that they can’t do this, it’s too hard, and they’re not good enough. You’d want to comfort a child. Hold them. Tell them everything is going to be fine.

Once you can take a step back, slow down the pace, and immerse yourself in creating, time disappears. You enter an altered state of consciousness that is healthy and feels great. This is why so many return to art.

The projects in the upcoming Foundation of Art in 30 Days Course provide ways to make the shift. Art is a learned skill. You don’t need talent, just passion. Remember, we’ve all heard that voice in our heads that’s afraid of moving forward. Don’t let it stop you.

Doing Art put you into the present. It’s in the Doing that you find your Truest Self, your inner authentic voice, and live a creative life. Thanks for being here. Start working on your Inner Critic to prepare for the upcoming class.

What would you like to learn in the class? More about Drawing, Colored Pencil/pastels/shading, Painting, or Mixed Media?

Enjoy this Sunday.


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