How to move forward in your art…

by Pat Gullett/ November 8, 2019/Art Practice, Transformation

Sometimes we just don’t know what the next step is or where to go with our art. When you don’t know what to do, Just Start.

Art classes are meant to ignite your passion. It’s not about doing a thing, or worse, watching a thing being done, and then going back to your same approach to art. New techniques are meant to be tried, experimented with, and assimilated to shift your habits and grow your knowledge.

This Vlog goes into some ideas to grow your art practice….

Transcript: My Teaching, Your Class Moving Your Art Forward

Your art is merely the process you are using to discover and share with the world who you are becoming.

In this short video, I cover 3 key points.

1. I teach in a non-academic way. It’s more experiential and expressive. we learn best when we are open and learn from each other. So let me know what you think so we can work together to a successful art practice.

2. Art techniques are meant to be assimilated into your work. Always ask, ‘How can I make this mine?’ Be looking for ways to adapt the principles into your art, your story. Look for new ways to grow as an artist.

3. Overcome fear and resistance by sharing your art and thoughts with the supportive, encouraging group. We all face the same challenges at one time or another. We all have doubts, compare ourselves to others, and wonder how to keep it going. The community is helpful and strong to keep you on track. Watch for the latest info.

It’s so important to keep on moving forward, feeling free to create in meaningful ways. Let’s talk about this in the comments below.

Here’s a little bonus art project: mixing colors to get rich light and dark tones.

Enjoy the day!


About admin

All my life I've been an artist/teacher, first in the high schools of Chicago, then at Columbia College Chicago, then in the deep woods of Connecticut, and now Online, Here we create art with meaning. Everyone is an artist. BFA: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, MA: Interdisciplinary Art from Columbia College Chicago. Other website with art:
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