The Scary Path from Craft to Art

A perfected technique is a Craft. Even Drawing fits this description. Taking the Craft, with intention, to create a narrative, makes it Art.

The debate between what is Craft and what is Art has been ongoing forever. Where does ‘craft’ end and true ‘art’ begin? I believe Craft to be the Techniques, the Tools, an Artist uses to intentionally create Art. So the skills of drawing, texture, repetition, 1 and 2 pt perspective, mechanical drawing, shading, blending, and more, are repetitive tools, crafts, that can be very pleasing all by themselves. Many happily stay in this place.

We see this all the time. I recently read that Thomas Kinkade can be called a painting craftsman. He found a technique that he perfected, discovered it was in demand, and lived a life merrily creating the same kind of work. Craft is reproducible. Others can learn it. Many images can be made with the same look about them. Once mastered, this is an easy, fun, safe way to be creative and have a living. BUT, it can also get complacent and boring here.

Without inspiration or any spark of passion, many leave. But this is so sad. They desire MORE and yearn for the Creative Heart. They need to feed their Soul.

Dragonfly Monthly Art Program goes deeper. You’re not alone! Click on the video to connect and add comments.

Week 1 each month: Explore- a technique. The Craft of Art, a component, element of Art, is how you develop Confidence in you knowledge. Video Demonstrations, Examples, and Step by Step Explanations show you the way, just as if you were next to me in my studio. Techniques, the Tools, become the hands on Crafts that the Artist draws upon in their practice. Learn to make experienced choices.

Week 2: Discover Resources– how others have expanded on the technique. There will be links and books to uncover more about how each technique can be used. This will expand our world to new ideas.

Week 3: Enter the Mystery. Here’s where the Magic lies. LEARNING TO TRUST YOURSELF, your life, your choices, is a lifelong pursuit. Look at this with curiosity. See with the eyes of an explorer, investigating a deep dark land within. Create Intuitive Art. We must enter with Intention and Purpose, consciously using our tools to create something True, Authentic, and Original. Take the Leap of Faith. This can be a scary place, but necessary to create Art Alive with Possibilities. Take the Artists Journey. Our Journey is new, trying new things we’ve possibly never done before. Here Art is imperfect and messy. Mistakes lead to growth. Experiment with the Unknown. This is the Land of the Artist. Plus you Develop Confidence in the Doing. Here Original art can be found as we make our Mark, listen to what the art tells us, and create our Story. We become the Hero’s of our Journey, creating a narrative never seen before. We enter with intention, to hear the voice of intuition, the Muse, the wild spirit, the warrior, whisper in the depths. We must be Brave to be Artists.

Week 4: The Hero’s Stories- Guest Artists, who tell their Origin Story. I’ve created 6 questions and interviewed many so far. They are fascinating, rewarding, and insightful in their rich tales of becoming an Artist. Plus, their art is inspirational.

So I hope you’ll all consider joining us in the monthly Dragonfly Art Program, beginning SOON. Sign up to know when to join, get a free lesson, and tips, updates each Sunday.

Have a great Sunday.


About admin

All my life I've been an artist/teacher, first in the high schools of Chicago, then at Columbia College Chicago, then in the deep woods of Connecticut, and now Online, Here we create art with meaning. Everyone is an artist. BFA: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, MA: Interdisciplinary Art from Columbia College Chicago. Other website with art:
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2 Responses to The Scary Path from Craft to Art

  1. admin says:

    Thanks so much. This has been an ongoing thing for me and it’s finally falling into place. I appreciate you thoughts.

  2. Carey Adler-Jung says:

    I love the way you’ve set up the monthly program! Also what you said about the bridge from craft to art…this is great. Take the scary path and out of what is comfortable. Thank you!

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