Art Making is the Hero’s Journey

Art Making is the Hero’s Journey when we Experiment and Enter the Unknown. We aren’t trying for a specific outcome, we just know that we are adding to our story. We enter the unknown.

I think of Joseph Campbell and his wonderful stories of the Hero, entering the Dark Night of the Soul. There, the good guy wrestles with monsters that symbolize our own inner fear, doubts, and inadequacies. Often, we do Crafts, master skills, but don’t know the way to making true Art. We’re kind of bored doing the same old techniques that are safe, that people like and buy, or are easy. But how do we get unstuck from the same old routine?

I recall a hike through the Black Forest in Germany, many years ago. The path was narrow, the huge hemlocks blocked out the sun, and there were divergent trails to take. When we enter the unknown, the Hero finds a Guide. We had Wulfgang, a young Army friend who offered to show us the way. In Art, we seek another class, a Teacher, Mentor, or Fellow Artist. We ask for direction, opinions, ideas along the way. What does our art need? Should I stop or go on? The Truest Compass is our own inner Intuition, if we could only Trust ourselves to listen.

We learn Craft skills and techniques, and seek the next step to turn them into Art. It’s an unknown place, so we need courage to move forward. It’s all an inner journey, just as our doubts are an inner conflict. “What was I thinking?” “I don’t know what I’m doing!” We all have felt that wall of resistance. Transformation happens when we experiment enough to Trust ourselves and give our inner artist permission to proceed. Even when you think you don’t know what to do, creativity is fermenting deep below. Instinct and intuition are moving mountains before revealing the way.

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do” Edgar Degas

Truly Trusting your choices is the Big Secret to Life and Art. Art isn’t always beautiful. The important Hero’s job is to create art that’s alive, vibrant, and fresh. Three ways to follow your Artist’s heart are:

1. Create art with intention, and stop before it’s done. Be bold in creating and stop when you start Thinking. Overworking a piece can be deadly. Best to walk away and see it tomorrow with fresh eyes.

2. Journal about each piece. Here’s where your Transformation lies! What did you learn about yourself in the doing of each art piece? What did you Like/Dislike? What do you know about using this medium? How do you feel about the experience? This is the Process of tuning in, finding ourselves, and growing. Keep notes of colors mixed, order of layers, and media used. How did you feel while making it? What did you like best about the Process?

3. What do you feel about the final piece? Does it Reflect your life today and does it lead you to the next work of art? This is a goal. Does it recall any memories for you? Do you believe this takes you to the next step on your creative path? Write down any sensations, attitudes, or experiences it brings up.

Be the Hero of your Artistic Journey and create art filled with aliveness. presence, and truth. Give Yourself permission to reflect your feeling in the moment. Then your will love your art. It will have meaning, vision, and Voice. Join us for the Dragonfly Art Program that covers elements of art each month. It’s a great way to develop your Trust and Confidence in the process. What do you do to keep your Art fresh, alive, and true? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

About admin

All my life I've been an artist/teacher, first in the high schools of Chicago, then at Columbia College Chicago, then in the deep woods of Connecticut, and now Online, Here we create art with meaning. Everyone is an artist. BFA: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, MA: Interdisciplinary Art from Columbia College Chicago. Other website with art:
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